Here you can find answers to some common questions about Birthday Wishes:

What donations are most helpful to your organization?

Gifts and books that are new and in original packaging for ages 1-19 years. Party supplies (disposable tablecloths, party hats, blowers, birthday banners, and streamers) that are new and in original packaging of a general birthday theme or popular boy/girl themes.

Does Birthday Wishes pick up donations?

No. Donations must be brought to one of our offices. Contact us to request a drop off at one of our offices:

Are there items Birthday Wishes cannot accept?

Click here to view the items that Birthday Wishes cannot accept.

Is Birthday Wishes a national organization?

No. We operate in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Long Island, NY. At this time we are unable to assist similar start-ups in other regions.

Is Birthday Wishes a registered non-profit?

Yes. We are registered in the state of MA. Our tax ID is: 55-0856553

How is Birthday Wishes funded?

Birthday Wishes’ revenue comes from a combination of individual donations, foundation grants, and corporate sponsorships and donations. We do not receive any federal funding.

Where are you located?

Office locations and contact information can be found on our contact page.

Is it possible to volunteer at a birthday party?

Our Party Coordinator (PC) volunteer position provides an opportunity to volunteer at a party at an assigned shelter every month. The Party Coordinator role may be assumed by an individual, family, group of friends, or work group. All PC’s must participate in training, and undergo a background check. A one-year commitment is required.

Can kids volunteer at parties?

Kids aged 12-17 have the opportunity to become Party Coordinators as part of a family, school, or church/temple group and must be accompanied by an adult at each party. Anyone 18 years and older, has the opportunity to become a Party Coordinator on their own. Please visit our Become a Party Coordinator page for current PC openings.